Floor profiles
Floor profiles and threshold strips
When installing new floors (laminate, parquet, ceramic etc.) it is necessary to make a stop or transition to another room with a different flooring and level difference through a finishing profile.We often face the problem of uncomfortable joints, surface unevenness, necessity of expansion joints or stairs. It sometimes happens that a bad combination of floors made of various materials, e.g. panels and carpeting, completely spoils the visual effect. Bearing in mind that the devil lies in a details and sometimes small factors can determine whether the whole interior deserves recognition, it is worth reaching for proven solutions.
We offer a universal perfectly level 3 in 1 aluminum profile, which fulfills all three functions of transitional, expansion and finishing molding. An advantage of our molding is that they are offered in various modern decors, straight and elegant form and excellent quality. Besides standard silver and titanium, we offer this molding model in wood and unique boutique designs.
Find out more about the application of floor profiles in our Nolina Academy.